Karen Harvey 2018

el mapa de les obres


A solo dancer moves through a series of transitory influences, below the surface of appearances in the historical landscape of Riba-roja d’Ebre. Inspired by its physical qualities, this site-specific performance happens in the meeting point between the land, the architecture and movement of River.

Originally from Raleigh, North, Carolina. US., she holds a BFA in Contemporary Dance from University North Carolina School of the Arts (2004), where he received an award from the Chancellor for his excellence.

She also attended intensive summer programs: American Dance Festival, Carolina del Nord Governor’s School, North Carolina Dance Festival, NYU-Tisch, Tanzfest Berlin and Impulztanz.

While living in New York City (2004-14), Karen performed as a company member with the Neta Dance Company, Rebecca Lazier Dance i Jin Ju Song-Begin ‘s Dóna-On Dance, among other collaborative productions and projects.

Karen has taught courses in international contemporary dance and improvisation. More recently, focused on working with pre-professional dancers in Berlin.

Her choreography has been presented by many shared programs around New York City, as well as the support of residences in Kinderhook Farm and Mount tempera Arts (Carolina. US.) I Lake Studios Berlin (FROM). Rooted and ephemeral, her artistic vision has a specific purpose. Develop gradually over time, People often changing with each performance and dynamics.

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