What is Riu d’art?

The authentic Catalan village of Riba-roja d’Ebre sees an international exchange of contemporary art, performances and workshops as it hosts the Riu d’art Street Fest. Riu d’art (River of Art) is a village based creative residency which takes place each year.

The organisers.

The residency is organised by the local not-for-profit association, Riba Rocks. The Riba Rocks association members, along with the Riba-roja residents, welcome local, national and international practitioners to the village.

The artists.

International and local artists are shown Riba-rojan sites of historical and cultural interest to inspire their ideas and artworks.

The visiting creatives make site specific interventions in public and private spaces. These include painted murals on building facades and live performances. As well as sculptures using recycled materials, illustrations on doorways and temporary installations.

The Riu d’art Open Air Gallery.

Art can challenge us. It can make us ask questions of ourselves. It can change our opinion or confirm our ideas, beliefs and identities. Art can attract or repel us, but it always provokes a reaction.

These artworks have culminated in the Riu d’art Open Air Gallery, revitalising areas in the village. The project connects people with each other and with place – map of artworks.

We hope to bring people together. We hope to share a creative experience and to leave an artistic legacy for visitors to enjoy.

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Map of riu d'art in the streets of Riba-roja d'Ebre 2024
(pdf 2 MB opens in new window)
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