Phil Bird 2016

map of all Riu d’art artworks

‘Visions by the River Ebre’

We (Phil Bird and Anna Georghiou) are artists and musicians as ‘Troubadour’s Garden’ within the visionary genre of art. Our way of working on this mural combined intuition, improvisation and research into the local area.

The wild beauty of the landscape of Catalonia is very inspirational to us. Our mural’s theme embraces folklore, myth, musical references and images drawn from the natural environment of the area.

On our last visit here Phil wrote a song inspired by the spirit of this place. This can be seen written on the main entrance gate. The visionary worlds of our paintings form a major part of the mural.

Phil Bird has paintings in national and private collections in Britain and Europe. He has exhibited paintings at national and international level for over 30 years. As a painter and musician, he has been awarded funding for numerous arts in education & community projects in the UK and internationally.

As a songwriter, his lyrical compositions interweave personal mythology of landscape with human experience and life. His music has a lilting haunting quality, which has its roots in a love of folk ballad tradition. Although, Phil’s writing and individual arrangements of traditional material have a contemporary edge.

Since 1997 Phil has produced 5 CD albums featuring his songs and poems. He is a professional musician and has performed at many festivals including Glastonbury, Greenbelt, Off Grid Buddhafield and Quest to his credit, as well as theatres, Art Centres, acoustic music and folk clubs. He now performs as ‘Troubardour’s Garden’ with fellow musician and painter Anna Georghiou. They have recently played Riba Rocks eco music and arts festival in Catalonia and created a mural in Riba-roja d’Ebre.

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